Sunday, May 3, 2015


Transformational Truth 9: Lao Tzu
When you find the way
Others will find you
Passing by on the road
They will be drawn to your door
The way that cannot be heard
will be reflected in your voice
The way that cannot be seen
Will be reflected in your eyes
~ Lao Tzu

"Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life."
- Omar Khayyam: was a Persian mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, and poet

"We cannot sow seeds with clenched fists. 
To sow we must open our hands."
- Adolfo Perez Esquivel: is an Argentine human rights activist, community organizer, pacifist, art painter, writer and sculptor

"In the center of the storm, there is calm.
In the center of confusion, there is peace.
In the center of exhaustion, there is rest.
Cernunnos, sitting in the midst of the world,
lead me to the center
and grant me the calm and peace and rest that is
found there.”

- Ceisiwr Serith
A Book of Pagan Prayer

"Peace may sound simple - one beautiful word - but it requires everything we have, every quality, every strength, every dream, every high ideal."
-Yehudi Menuhin: an American-born violinist and conductor

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