The Ark of the Covenant (ארון הברית in Hebrew: aron habrit) is described in the Bible as a sacred container, wherein rested the stone tablets containing the Ten Commandments as well as other sacred Israelite objectsFor some reason I got to thinking about the Ark lately. The Royal Arch Degrees of Most Excellent Master and the Royal Arch both involve a representation of the Ark.
According to the degree the Ark contained a pot of manna, Aaron's rod and the Book of the Law. All sacred things to the ancient Israelites and proof to them that God exists and had made a covenant with them.
I got to thinking about what was in my Ark. The one in my heart. The one full of the treasures which prove to me that God IS.
I was sitting in the First Methodist Church today for Sherry Allen's funeral. I grew up in that church and as I sat there I looked around the sanctuary. The picture of the good shepherd dominates the room. It depicts Jesus carrying a small lamb. Funny I had never noticed before the way the light in that picture emphasizes the lamb's head. Almost as if it had a halo. On the other wall smaller but just as meaningful is a stained glass of the risen Christ. Underneath that glass is the phrase, "God is Love. Those three words say it all. Not for me the God of blood and vengeance. Not the God who destroys or turns Lot's wife into a pillar of salt. Just quite simply the God which Jesus shows us. The one who LOVES and does not condemn.
My Aunt Jo told me that my grandmother believed that we make our own heaven or hell right here on earth. I believe that. God sends us constant Love and all we have to do is tap into that Love and miracles happen in our heart.
Obviously another item in my Ark is my Lodge. The brothers and the way I feel about them and the good that we try to do is a major portion of my life right now. I am (and always will be) extremely grateful that my mother suggested to me that I "might enjoy the Masons." She had no idea. (and neither did I.)
The public school system that taught me how to read and reason is another "treasure" in my ark. I will always be grateful for the teachers I had who encouraged me in so many ways and helped me to grow. I hope I was able to pay back some of that in my years of teaching. Speaking of those years all of the students and colleagues and parents (and yes even some of the administrators) are in there.
The beauty of the many sunsets (and a few sunrises when I have had to haul my hind end out of bed) are also there. I don't care how bad things get when God paints me a sunset the world becomes a beautiful place once again. Along with that all of the beauty of nature and the changing seasons are in my ark. From the smallest microbe to the turkey vulture and the elephant I see wonder and beauty.
I add some special friends to my ark (you know who you are) who support me through all of my real (and imagined) ups and downs. You are the best and the bond we have is a cable-tow I am proud to wear.
I also need to be sure to put the members of my family in there. I have been very fortunate to have been born into the family (clan) that I belong to. They are the best and I would not trade them for anything. The connection is real and I know I can count on them as they can count on me.
All of the pets that have shared my life prove to me that there is a loving God. For most of my life I have been able to share it with a dog and for awhile a cat or two. I remember them and miss those who are gone but I know that they, each and every one, were/are here for a purpose and that purpose is to show us what God's love is all about. I mean, really, have you ever been greeted at the door by a tail wagging and a tongue ready to kiss.
I also keep music in my ark. Our world would be a boring place without music. Right now I am listening to Christmas music and it is beautiful. Music enriches my life and it leads to DANCE. Even if you can't you should. Dance, that is . Just listen to the music and move. People may look at you strangely but so what! If you bring a smile to their faces you have improved the world. And that is a good thing.
I am sure there is a lot more in my Ark (after all I am old and have avoided being eaten in my 66 years) but that is enough for now. Notice that I don't have gold or jewels or money in there. If my house burned down tonight (heaven forbid) I would still have my ARK and all of the treasurers would be safely deposited therein. Safe for all time
Hunker down and enjoy the week-end. I have movies and books and music and my computer. Hugs, j