Monday, May 11, 2015

Molly on Monday (With Sadie and Cassie)

 Molly here,
   B G took a pan o ramma (?) of the view of the back porch.  We still have flowers on our bushes.  B G likes his back porch.  I like it too.  I spend some time out in the back yard.  Sadie likes it also.  Cassie doesn't go outside but she sometimes comes in the porch.

B G took a picture of our Ginkgo tree

He said there is more here.

He said it was fossil tree... sometimes B G thinks he is an old fossil.

Nice time in the sun!

Then we went and exploring on the porch.

 B G says the bunnies may still be there even though the worker guys came out and put a fence around them.

Cassie would like to go outside but since she tried to escape B G keeps a wary eye on her.

Andrew's cat who lives in the basement escaped and was gone for quite some time.  B G was worried about him.  But the Animal Control officer found him. Andrew was glad to find him and get him back. He was a long way from home.  He was all the way to Fifth Street.  Andrew said that he was partly blind so he is lucky to get him back.

B G's roomer put his bike on the porch.  B G moved it because it was in his spot.  He does not like things in his porch .  He is funny that way.  He thinks that they broke his blinds because it was leaning up on the screen.  B G was not happy that his screen was broken.

B G said I shouldn't be such a sissy at times.  He has the window open and it is raining so I hide up under the recliner.  I hate the thunder.

Here is the back garden.  B G has someone coming to dig and plant things.  He thinks that will be nice.
They had not dug up my flower...  Thanks for reading my blog,   Molly.  Woof!

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