Monday, February 17, 2014

Mollly on Monday

 Molly here,  I haven't doing much lately or not least not taking many pictures.  B G says he is tired of snow pictures.

My Speech Therapist has been around but she really likes Cassie best so I just bother some her a little and hang out with B G. - he likes me best

 There is just still a lot of snow.  Brandon came and put flood lights on and now I can see when it is dark is now again.  I think B G likes it better for me when I go outside.  He says the creepy crawlies are around if the light is not on.

Stupid snow!

 B G took me to see Dr. Bright to clean my teeth.  She said they were in good shape   --  then she took a little nip and tuck on my eye.
B G saw something on my eye and he said I should take it off so it would not rub on my eye ball.  B G took of couple of pictures.

He says it will take about 10 days before the stitches come out.

I have some pills to take and they B G says they put  me in la la land...  I have been sleeping a lot.

It had collar to wear  but B G didn't make me wear it - I was glad. It was not comfortable.

B G  found a picture he took  when the weather was nice and there was no snow.  We thought we would look it rather than snow.


Unknown said...

You're a brave dog, Molly. Well done.

Dianne said...

oh, that spring pic sure is nice!!
I'm tired of stupid snow too
glad your teeth are good, mine are falling out I think
stay warm and keep taking care of BG
hugs to all

Ur-spo said...

we love Molly !