Monday, March 2, 2015

Molly and Sadie on Monday

Molly here,

Sadie and I have a schedule.  We get to have food twice a day.  Breakfast and Supper time.  B G has fixed things so I am getting a smaller of scoop of food for breakfast time.  He thinks I don't know but we know... we know...we are very smart ladies.

We waits and waits.

 Supper time -  And he teases us so we decide to play and eventually it is SUPPERTIME!

Then we explored the new snow in our backyard.  We had to see and smell everything.

B G says that I am always watching him.  She has to or he might sneak out something to eat.

See, she is always watching him.  He says that she is a stalker.

Sadie always eats to snow also.  B G says it is funny.

1 comment:

Ur-spo said...

what pretty pooches.