Friday, September 16, 2016

Found for Friday

The madam opened the brothel door to see an elderly man. His clothes were disheveled and he looked tired and poor. "Can I help you?" the madam asked. "I would like to see Natalie, please," said the old man.

The madam could not quite contain her sneer. "Sir, Natalie is one of our most expensive ladies. Perhaps you would like to see someone else."

"No, I must see Natalie," he insisted. Just then Natalie appeared. She appraised the man in a single glance, and before he could speak a word, she informed him that her usual price was $1,000 per visit. Without blinking, he reached into his pocket and handed her ten $100 bills. The two went up to a room for an hour, after which the man calmly left.

The next night he appeared again, and again he asked to see Natalie. Natalie was surprised; at her rates, no one had ever come back two nights in a row. "But there are no discounts," she told him. "The fee will be $1000." Again the old man counted out the required sum, the two went up to the room, and an hour later he calmly left.

When he showed up for a third consecutive night, no one could believe it. Again he handed Natalie the money, and up to the room they went. At the end of the hour Natalie could not help asking him: "No one has ever used my services three nights in a row. Where are you from?" "I am from Minsk," he answered.

"Really?" said Natalie, "I have a sister who lives there."
"Yes, I know," replied the old man. "She gave me $3,000 to give to you."

Labyrinths are amazing.

I like the latest horror movie so much that I've arranged a private screaming.

When I called my urologist's office, the receptionist asked me, "Can you hold?"

Acupuncture is a jab well done.

If a clock is hungry, it goes back four seconds.

Once you've seen one shopping center, you've seen the mall.

Bakers trade recipes on a knead to know basis.

Ghosts never take sides during arguments. They are super neutral.

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