Thursday, March 30, 2017

Throwback Thursday

When I was a young boy I would go to my great-aunt's home on Saturday Night.  I had three unmarried great-aunt's and would stay overnight with them.  We would meet my great-uncle and aunt who were married. My uncle would drive us out for a drive and he would stop to have his haircut and we would wait and it was always a fun time (ice cream may have been in the car also).  

My great-aunt Kate had a shelf which she called a What-not I looked it up in the dictionary and found it was really a thing....It is a light open set of shelves for bric-a-brac. I always enjoyed looking at the many little things on the shelf.  These little Quaker children are two that I had from my childhood.  I was born in 1941 and was probably about 3 or 5 when I would spend the night.

We figured out that my mother would go to the American Legion to have some time dancing, drinking and socializing while I was being taken care of my my great Uncle and Aunts.  I treasure my memories of them and these little iron figures always make me remember times.

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