Friday, December 14, 2012


Molly decided to get on my lap so the computer was off. The TV also.  I was listening to some music and having a moment of Love with Molly and Cassie who decided she needed to be on my lap also.  Then I turned on the TV to watch General Hospital around 1:30.  Needless to say there was something else on the TV.  I was horrified.  Being a retired teacher I want you to know that there wasn't a day that went by without thinking that something like this could happen.  Even if schools have been declared a "gun free" zone there is not much you can do if someone does something like this. I worried about my kids and the friends I taught with.  The worst thing that happened was one of my little guys who brought a big knife to school with him and then got out of control.

As I watched today I was sort of numb. After all we have seen this thing before. I held it in until Mr, Obama made this statement.  Watching him struggle with his emotions and seeing (once again) the tears flow from his eyes gave me permission to grieve also.  I won't send prayers as many are calling for everyone to do for I do not believe that my verbal prayers ever reach the divine auditory nerve.  I will hold all of those affected in Love and know that all of them are held by God in his Love and therefore whatever may be the human perception of what we see the reality is we are still held in the Mind of Love. My job is to see that reality and hold all in that same Love. Perhaps that is the most effective prayer.

"We've endured too many of these a country we have been through this too many times....we are going to have to come together to take meaningful action..."  I agree. It is time to limit access to certain types of weapons and the ability to use them indiscriminately. Gun owners and the NRA notwithstanding it is time to do something.

Addendum -  From one of my Facebook Friends -

Judy Kennedy Carrino
Just think how many hundreds of people the tragedy in Connecticut today has and will continue to affect. Each child who was spared, all the parents, families, teachers, their families and all of us who have heard about it will be deeply affected for years to come. The survivors will be deeply affected psychologically and we cannot predict what this tragedy may have wrought in their lives - effects which may take decades to show up.

I wonder how long it will take a friend or relation of the shooter to say "I thought there was something odd about him." or "We knew he might be capable to violence." Something HAS to be done about the ready availability of guns in this country. And I hope that no member of the NRA or other gun afficionado tells me that Guns don't kill people - people kill people. That guy in Connecticut today murdered many innocent people with two guns. Had he not be able to get two guns, many of them would still be alive and eating dinner right now.

This has to stop. I know that gun control will not be a perfect solution to the violence in this country or any other - but we have to start somewhere. People who want the right to keep and carry guns say if we enact gun control that only criminals will have guns. At this point, I don't care. Common criminals are not walking into schools and shooting babies, or killing their brothers and parents and teachers.

1 comment:

kenju said...

Thanks, Jay. I am still very upset about it.