Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Toad Tuesday

Sleep -  I wake up most mornings around 7:00 AM,  Sometimes it is around 8:00 AM  I go to bed around 1:00 AM. -  I when I was a teen I would sleep until 10:00 or 11 when I could get away with it.  I can still still remember my my grandfather yelling to me "It is time for you to get up if you are alive."  ( I hated that remark)

Sometimes I get a nap in or I doze off when I am reading but I generally don't get much sleep.

If I have something on my mind I will wake up two or three or times and sometimes I would wake up and read for two or three hours.  I know that most of the time I would "worry" and that was no fun. I have been finding ways of getting rid of responsibilities and that helps.

I also think that since I have I started out sleeping on the recliner it has helped.  I used to toss and turn and since I sleep in the there I don't toss around and because I do that the sleep is a better quality sleep and that helps.

I have been watching The Grand Hotel on Netflix.  I thought that it was a movie and then found that is a series and got hooked on it and so sleep has been at a premium. It is sort of like House of Cards which I watched one after the other for three or four days.  I am doing the same with this.  It has some of features of a soap opera and with all the twists and turns of General Hospital. I am really enjoying it.  I shall probably catch up on my sleep sometime.  This little video will give you facts about sleep.  I enjoyed it.

1 comment:

Ur-spo said...

I just saw this video; I like their series.