Monday, August 31, 2015

Molly on Monday (with Sadie)

Molly here,   B G says hello.

Here are some pictures which Jon sent of our walk in the woods with Liz.

You can click on the pictures to make them larger and see  them better,

 We had a lot of rain this week so Sadie and I spent a lot of time resting and when it thundered and flashed we did not like it.  I hid out under the recliner and Sadie climbed up to be with B G.
Then it was nice out.
This is part of our back yard.
B G took this picture with his camera.  He shared it on Instagram and it is his new wallpaper.  He likes it.  He calls it "Wild does my garden grow."
I spent some time looking at it.

Sadie was more interested in having her picture taken.
She poses pretty.

Then B G called us in for treats..  We like those.

Even Sadie perks up for those.

B G made me do tricks.  Sadie does not do any tricks.

Then we settled down for a rest.

Then we were ready for our close-up.  
Come back when you want.  


1 comment:

Ur-spo said...

such pretty pooches.