Monday, August 15, 2016

Molly and Todd on Monday

Molly here,

  We were playing on the porch and BG took this photo of us.  He really likes it.  He made it as the Cover photo for our Facebook page.

Then he took about 10 pictures of Mr. Cardinal.  He was in the bush for a long time and BG used this one for his profile photo.

I watched while he took the photos. Our windows are still clean.

Then we went in and out for awhile.   The little kids and their dog was there so we all had to discuss things with them.  I mean we talked to their dog.  The kids would like to have come closer but BG won't come close because one of the kids hit me with a stick and hurt my eye.  (To be fair it was not these kids but the ones on the North side.)

Todd and I watched them.  Todd was outside and I was on the porch.

 Then BG made Todd come inside and we watched from inside.   BG says that was easier for him that way.

That is all the news for now.  Thanks for stopping to see us.  Woof!

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