Friday, September 8, 2017

Found For Friday

 Once there was this cattle rancher who, after 3 years, finally found a buyer for his oldest steer Caesar. This new owner happened to be the rancher's closest neighbor, who lived on the other side of the river valley.

"Men" the rancher said to his cowhands, "it's time to say our good-byes to this bull, and take him across the river".

So the men roped Caesar, and walked him down to the river. They were about to put him on the boat to take him across, but the rancher's youngest nephew, who helped to raise Caesar, said,

"Can we take him out for one last munch in his favorite meadow?", with a tear in his eye. The other hands said sure, and led him just off the riverbank for a snack. Well, with the day as nice as it was, all of the hands took a quick nap. 4 hours later, the rancher saw that the bull was still on his property and ran down into the valley. He shouted and cursed at the men to wake them up.

Once everyone was standing, he said the beast should have been across long ago, "We've come to ferry Caesar, not to graze him!"

Police were summoned to a daycare center
where a three-year-old was resisting a rest.


There is a growing body of obesity research.

Successful pianists know the key to success.

Those who get too big for their britches will be totally exposed in the end.


You can't sing with a mouthful of garbanzo beans, so hummus a tune.


How did the hipster burn his mouth?

He ate the pizza before it was cool..

Clydesdales are draft horses, of course, but did Budweiser ever ask if they'd prefer bottles or cans instead?


A man's home is his castle in a manor of speaking.

I wasn't able to make a reservation at the library.

They're completely booked.

Acupuncture is a jab well done.
That's the point of it.

When she saw her first strands of gray hair, she thought she'd dye.

I wondered why my geometry class was always tired. They were all out of shape.

If you need some work done, call an electrician - they conduit.

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