Friday, September 1, 2017

Found For Friday

Rabbit Rabbit 

A Czechoslovakian hunter and his French partner were in the midst of a safari when they happened upon two hungry tigers, a fierce male and his mate. A furious battle ensued, in which the hunters were killed.

After which, each tiger ate a hunter. Far off atop a hill, a sheppard had witnessed the whole battle. He ran home, grabbed his high powered assault rifle, and returned to blow the tigers away.

After descending the hill, he first cut open the female tiger, discovering the remains of the Frenchman inside.

"That settles it," said the sheppard, "The Czech's in the male."

I didn't smoke the weed, it was a toke in gesture.

Dr. Jekyll's more successful second formula turned him into a world-class sprinter rather than a violent psychopath, proving that you can run but you can't always Hyde.

43 consonants, 21 vowels, a comma

and an exclamation point committed a crime.

They will be sentenced next week.


There was a sign on the lawn at a drug re-hab center that said '

Keep off the Grass'.


If you don't pay your exorcist,

you get repossessed.

The cat was finally house broken - litterly.

Meg told me we had some extra cash so she wanted to know if we should buy a vault or a traditional Indian garment.

I told her, better safe than Sari.

I'd like to organize a solar system party.

I'll need to planet.

Old math professors never die, they just reduce their functions.

I want a job hanging mirrors.

It is a career I could really see myself doing

Dermatologists often make rash statements.

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