Sunday, March 11, 2018


"Were I to be the founder of a new sect,
I would call them Apiarians, and, after the example of the bee,
advise them to extract the honey of every sect."  
- Thomas Jefferson

"Peace in patriarchy is war against women."
~Maria Mies

“I thought that word and books
and pens were more powerful than guns.”
~Malala Yousafzai

"The minute a person whose word means
a great deal dares to take the open-hearted
and courageous way, many others follow."
~Marian Anderson, singer (1897-1993)

“If we want to reap the harvest of peace
and justice in the future, we will have to sow seeds
of nonviolence here and now, in the present.”
~Mairead Corrigan Maguire

“To protect women in times of war,
we must first make sure women receive equal rights
in times of peace.”
~Martti Ahtisaari

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer.
Always remember, you have within you the strength,
the patience, and the passion to reach
for the stars to change the world.”
~Harriet Tubman

“Like life, peace begins with women.
We are the first to forge lines of alliance
and collaboration across conflict divides.
~Zainabl Salbi

"Even if you never have the chance
to see or touch the ocean, the ocean
touches you with every breath you take,
every drop of water you drink,
every bite you consume.
Everyone, everywhere is inextricably
connected to and utterly dependent
upon the existence of the sea."
~Sylvia Earle, explorer (b.1935)

1 comment:

Ur-spo said...

some of these birds look unreal.