Friday, April 27, 2018

Found For Friday

Sam and Joe were crabs. When Joe Crab died, he went to heaven, where he was issued a harp, Joe asked to be allowed to return to earth to say goodbye to Sam. Highly irregular, but he was given a few minutes and returned to earth, where Sam owned a disco. Mid visit, Joe disappeared and returned to heaven. Joe wanted desperately to return, explaining...
I left my harp in Sam Crab's Disco

I see lots of people "liking" their own posts.
This seems wrong to me.
I have to think that's a conflict of Pinterest.

My Microsoft email program is broken.
The Outlook is not good.

All locomotives look the same to the untrained eye.

$50 for a haircut?
Sounds like a clip joint to me.

I bought a cute new bell ringer for the front door
- it was a door a bell.

If you're having a continental breakfast,
it's best to use tectonic plates.

I finally realized it. People are prisoners of their phones,
that's why they are called cell phones.

Dr. Frankenstein entered a body building competition.
He seriously misunderstood the objective.

The superior taste of draft beer is uncanny.

Why did the cows return to the marijuana field?
It was the pot calling the cattle back.

If I steal someone's idea for a book of fiction,
is it still a novel concept?

Victoria's Secret models walk down the aisle in their underwear
and it's called "art" and "fashion."
When I do it, I'm "drunk" and "
not allowed back in Target anymore."

When a rich man bought a car he had nothing to chauffeur it.

When a rich man bought a car he had nothing to chauffeur it.

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