Monday, February 22, 2016

Molly (and Todd) on Monday

 Molly here,

BG brought us some flowers.  We like them.  Todd likes them also.

We have a little movie so.  The kids were playing in the snow.  There was more but BG was late getting the camera ready.


Todd and I share this bone.  Actually it was mine but Todd stole it so I nave to go get it so I can chew on it also.

We manage to share.

BG says it is hard to take good pictures of Todd.  He is skittish and is running like in a flash.

BG says he reminds him of Grumpy Cat in this picture.

Here is a visitor in my bush.  He sings to us in the morning.

Todd likes to chew also.  

We had a nice sunset the other day.  Soon these trees will be covered in green.  We can't wait.

In the meantime we look out the window.

BG lets Todd hide out in his kennel .  I sometimes look in to see what is in there but not much.
Treat time.

We live for treats.  BG is glad that Todd is coming out of the Kennel more.  BG is glad that he is coming out more.

Come by to see us again.  BG says he is glad that Todd is here (and so am I.)  Woof!

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