Last night I drove to Des Moines to go to the Scottish Rite Quarterly meeting.
Prior to the Quarterly Meeting a meal was served by the Kitchen Krew. The Hamburgers, Brats, baked Beans and cole slaw supper was delicious and the fellowship was enjoyed by all.
Following supper the members retired to the Classroom for the Quarterly meeting.
Master of Kadosh, Shane Harshbarger opened the meeting with the usual proclamation followed by prayer and
Reports from the Secretary, Treasurer, Lighting crew were received.
Following the meeting Master of Kadosh Harshbarger gave an interesting presentation on the first three degrees of Freemasonry as written by Albert Pike and exemplified by some of the Southern Scottish Rite Lodges.
The presentation was extremely interesting and pointed out the many differences between the Pike degrees and the first three degrees which are a part of American Grand Lodges.
I had an enjoyable evening and it was good to get out of the house.
1 comment:
Bro. BAILEY's Buddy,
Thanks for sharing on your site. I was just raised in March at Cataract Lodge # 2 MN, and am going throught the Scottish Rite Degrees at the Minneapolis Valley. When I first thought about becoming a Mason, I was worried that I might have to give up my politics (I didn't understand this prohibition was only IN the Lodge.) But then, I found out that H.H. Humphery was a member of my lodge, so I understood that was not the cast. Thanks for the sidebar quotes.
Another Liberal Mason
Lee In Minneapolis
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