Monday, May 14, 2018

Molly and Todd on Monday

 Molly here,

Big Guy...

Big Things...


Josh came in and B G and he went to Best Buy and they bought a new Television for us.

 Todd and I supervised as he put every thing together and watched carefully so BG would do know what to do.

It now has three remotes to keep everything working,

 So now it was out with the old TV.

Josh is really strong.  He picked up the very heavy old TV just as if it was a feather and moved it out.

Here is he setting the new one up.

Todd was not happy.  He hid out at the back of the hallway.

I kept as close as I could to watch.  Josh and I like each other.

There it is.

 Now we can watch it.

This is awesome!

And now some pictures of the flowers in our bushes

And in the lilacs. 

We love spring.

Thanks for stopping by to see us.    Have a nice week!  WOOF!

1 comment:

Ur-spo said...

I would be content just to watch the fellow who installed it all.