Friday, May 4, 2018

Found For Friday

When my grandson swallowed some coins we rushed him to the hospital. They told us not to worry. They would keep him until he "naturally passed" the coins. They assured me it was safe for me to leave to teach my class. As soon as I finished class I called the hospital but they told me
"still no change."

A friend of mine claims he can throw a stick up to a mile away
and his dog will retrieve it.
I don't know: it sounds far-fetched to me.

A werewolf who doesn't know he's a werewolf is an unawarewolf.

If someone has a toe fetish but cheats on their partner,
does that mean they got off on the wrong foot?

Never hire a depressed exorcist
- they're not very good at lifting spirits.

Does seven days without meat make one week?

A horse walks into a bar (yes, he had a long face).
The bartender says, "Hey."
The horse says, "Sure, why not?"

A bacteria walked into a bar and the bartender said,
"We don’t serve bacteria in this place."
The bacteria said,
"But I work here. I’m staph."

How many boxes of these thin mints
do I have to eat before I start seeing results?

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