Friday, January 15, 2010

Petula Clark at 77 - And some "God thoughts"

Petula Clark still has it. At 77 years of age. Thanks to Americablog for posting this.

I think that it is interesting that some people "fuss with God" about things. They constantly pray to bless food and the hands that prepared it, to protect them on their way home, to change something, to heal someone...

To me I can't do that. Prayer to me is to recognize the Deity who has already created all that was made and found it "very good" - Grandmere Mimi is always putting up a prayer on her blog over at Wounded Bird. Tonight she was blogging about the Episcopal Church and the place of women in the Church. She used the phrase " How long, O Lord? How long?"

The idea that you can sit down and talk to God and ask questions and expect changes to come because of your prayer or question to me misses the mark. In the very first book of the Bible - in the very first Chapter God created everything. He created man and woman and did so in His own image which is an image of Spirit. Man is spiritual, not material, - And it says that this creation was very good. All done and all good. Finished, complete.. So what good is it to ask Him to do more than He has already done. Everything done and in its place.

So what do we need to do. We need to relax and recognize this good and put ourselves in line with God. God is Love. Love, loves - Perhaps that is what we need to do. Love - Ya think? I find that when I turn to thoughts of what God has done and bring myself into line with His revelation whether it come through Jesus, Buddha, Mary Baker Eddy or an off-hand comment of a friend or sometimes just a feeling or a thought that comes into my mind from "somewhere" I ground my being in God and bring myself into line with the Universe I can be calm and feel that love that continually comes to us from our Creator. That is when I no longer have to "ask" God FOR things but rather feel gratitude for all that He has done.

What about "acts of God" we were talking about this at the Secretaries Conference yesterday and it was mentioned that we should use the phrase "act of nature" rather than God. God did not create the earthquate in Haiti to "punish" the people of that country. God does not punish. God loves. These things just happen and we have to get through them and we get through them by loving and sharing and helping one another. We bring ourselves into line with God by loving and caring and sharing. Then we become closer to God and as a result our lives are blessed.

When we condemn and fuss and try to control others we only disturb ourselves. You can hate me all you want and the only one who gets hurt is you. It eats away at you and does no good. Change your "base" and ground yourself in Love. Things will then change for the better.

And by the way God is both make and female. It says in that same book of Genesis that God "created man in his image and likeness, male and female created He them." So when I use He I am not thinking He. When I used to go to Church the Church I went to had a prayer for little children - "Father-Mother God, loving me," The first time I heard it I thought that it meant three people father, mother and God. It did not it meant that God is our Father and our Mother - Therefore to me the place of women in the church should be co-equal with men. We should not have to have these discussions. Women are not property - they are not "owned" by men and it is our job to bring our thinking into line with God's ---- and that thinking is not the Bible verbatim. We need to be discerning readers of the Bible and realize that it was written by men, not dictated by God. At least that is my feelings on the matter.

I can churn out a prayer for a table grace or some other event and sometimes they are pretty good. The true, effective prayer is the one when I "enter into my closet" and commune with the maker of a Universe and feel gratitude and love for all that has been done for me. ARTYAL - Always Remember That You Are Loved. Thanks for stopping by - Hugs.


susan said...

I am not even sure how I got here, but I am so glad I saw this video!! I spent many happy hours singing "Downtown" in front of mirror holding a hairbrush microphone :) She's still got it!

Ur-spo said...

Ms Clark is 77? oh dear !