Thursday, February 11, 2010

You might be a wingnut if...

Don't Blame Me - Blame John lost your job at the mills and you are now working as a greeter at Walmart, but you think the economy is stronger than ever before. think that the institution of marriage needs protection from gays, despite the fact that you are in the middle of your third divorce.

...when you see a sobbing Iraqi woman on TV, you think she is crying for joy at being liberated, and you can't understand why more Iraqis aren't overwhelmed with joy to see American troops marching down their street. demand that the government give you school vouchers to send your kids to a parochial school, but protested when Muslim students wanted to wear their head scarves to the local public school.

...someone tells you that no complex problem has a simple solution, and you immediately start chanting, "Flip Flop! Flip Flop!" even in a public place. think that the Bible says that God wants us to use up everything the Earth has to offer so as to bring on the End Times sooner. got in a bar fight when a stranger told you that Dubya had joined the Texas Air National Guard to avoid Vietnam. know that the WMD's in Iraq will be found tomorrow, that Osama was a regular guest of Saddam's, and that the United Nations was just a front for Iraqi sponsored terrorists. live in a trailer park, and believe that your home is directly threatened by terrorists. know that Muslims, terrorists, Iraqis, Afghans and the French are all really the same, and are in league together against the United States. get so annoyed at all those poor people, and can't understand why they spend so much time and effort trying to stay poor when they could spend that time being productive members of society. want anyone who says that we aren't winning the war in Iraq locked up in jail, along with Jane Fonda. think many American's don't have health insurance because they just don't want it. protest at abortion clinics against the murders committed there, but you still send letters congratulation to every governor who fires up an electric chair. went around calling Clinton a "hop head" and a "druggie" for trying marajuana, but discount Dubya's cocaine use "'cause he got born again." tried to find "Earth Last" on the web so that you could make a donation in order to help stop the environmentalists from controlling your life. get mad at homosexuals for not seeking help for their "illness." argue that the greatest day in American military history was the day that Dubya stood on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincon and declared, "Mission Accomplished."

...anytime anyone mentions France, Germany, China - or any nation that doesn't agree with current US foreign policy, for that matter - you just exclaim, "We'll kick their ass!" resent any form of government intrusion into your life, but think that the Patriot Act is weak and needs its enforcement provisions strengthened. hid your Bible under your bed, just in case the Democrats try to take it away. write letters to Congress in favor of a flat tax so that your taxes will be lowered even more. don't let your kids go to the public library or use the internet so that they won't be corrupted by Satan's hand on Earth. rail at sex education and condoms in schools, because if there was no sex education or condoms in our schools, teenagers would never have sex. think all those wounded vets coming back from Iraq are just a bunch of whiners - they got paid to fight, and when you fight, you get hurt.

...when you go squirrel hunting, you know that you'll be needing your AK-47 with the extra-long clip, the muzzle-flash suppresser and the collapsible stock. Those squirrels are squirrely, after all. know that we don't need to give Afghanistan any huminatarian aid--after all, didn't we drop packages of peanut butter and rice after the invasion? took the catalytic converter off your car just to help prove that Global Warming was a hoax.

...God told you that he wants his Chosen Nation to smite the infidels who are sullying His creation with their continued existence. really think that one day, the tax cuts that Republicans gave to the top 1% will apply to you. Or to your kids. think that God created so much beauty on Earth for more space for parking lots, and to give Himself more places to hide oil. think that John Kerry is a cowardly war criminal who was able to con the military out of three purple hearts, a bronze star and a silver star--but the courageous Dubya fulfilled his service obligations, and the military could not possibly have made a mistake with HIS records. think that Clinton was a sleaze, but you want a Real Man in the White House. got mad because those damn greenies stopped you from driving your Hummer off-road in Yosemite. reported your Granny to the FBI for buying her medication in Canada. think that whoever wrote this list is a traitor and should be locked up. Probably at Abu Ghraib. Or maybe even shot.

1 comment:

~DK~ said...

Thanks Jay, I needed a good laugh tonight & this hit the spot ;)