Monday, February 23, 2015

Yes you do!

"I’m not gay, but I’ve never talked publicly about depression before or any of that and that was so much of what the movie was about and it was one of the things that drew me to Alan Turing so much. I think we all feel like weirdos for different reasons. Alan had his share of them and I had my own and that’s what always moved me so much about his story.” - Oscar-winning screenwriter Graham Moore, speaking to Buzzfeed. Moore's "it gets better" acceptance speech led many (including numerous media outlets) to wrongly assume that he is gay.

So many reasons for a person to "feel different" - But there is someone who can you through your valley....I wonder if depression isn't the real reason for suicide. I have never wanted to kill myself but there are certainly times when I have been in the valley of depression.  Fortunately I have been wired to be past it. You will fit in. You do belong and you matter.  This is one of the things about moments like this that makes a difference. And why I watch these awful awards shows.

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