Monday, October 12, 2015

Molly, Sadie, and Cassie on Monday

Molly here,

     It has been a busy week.  Sadie and I went to see Dr. Brenda.  We had to have our shots.

We like to go to see her and her helper.

There are lots of things to sniff in the office.  There have been "others" all over this place.

We had to get weighed and B G said that I had lost 6 pounds.

Sadie never overeats but B G and I have to watch out weight.

BG was happy and he says that he has to lose more. Maybe we will work on our diets more.

Sadie was really good while we were at Dr. Brenda's and we got treats for being such good patients.

The trees are starting to turn.  B G drove around to show us some of the turning leaves.

Friday BG let us out and there was a busher (squirrel) around.  Sadie tried to catch him but she wasn't quick enough.

BG said he was glad to get the "action shots" when we were out.

But he "worried"about it for a long time.  She would not come inside.  She waited around the tree.

The bushes are all trimmed and the house looks nice.  Chris came and he got a lot of bush cleaned out.

Sadie and I like it better.  We can move around.

BG was upset.  When we came out the little kids were playing. The kids who live in the North house and the ones who live on South were playing together and they were being loud.  When we came outside they ran to the fence and started to go after us.  BG yelled "HEY" at them and they went away from Sadie and me.  One time the middle kid came after me when I was checking to see what was going on and he hit me in the eye with a stick.  BG had to have me see Dr. Brenda and she gave me drops to put on my eye.  BG was upset and so he does not the kids come to see us.

BG had the carpet cleaned and so he moved antiques around. He changed the chairs around and moved things around.

Cassie and Sadie and BG and I had to spend two hours in the office while the carpet was cleaned.  BG needs to clean the office up soon.

And he has to move things around in the spare room.

But it is ok.  And we did get some treats and BG took some pictures.

This is where BG put the picture of Bailey.  BG still misses him. .

This shows better why the bush is cleaned up.  BG is thinking of putting in some plants and bushes in there.  That might be nice.

We still like our naps.  Sadie has found a new place to nap.

This is BG's favorite chair.  It has carved lion's heads and Cassie has decided to make it her throne.

That's going to be her spot..

Then it was fun to play with my ball.  It was lost for a long time but we found it and I played it for a long time.

Thanks for coming to see us.


1 comment:

Ur-spo said...

I am glad you keep your check ups
Sadie is a black cat; it is Halloween time!