Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hedges: No way in US system to vote against banks

I suggest that you might gain some insight from this 10 minute video.

"The TEA party functions as America's facist party."
"unless we stand up and stop them they are going to come right back and help themselves again."

1 comment: said...

The Cunning runt left a comment and with my big fingers on my cell hine I hit delete rather than publish. Fortunately I was able to capture it - Here is his comment.
TheCunningRunt has left a new comment on your post "Hedges: No way in US system to vote against banks":

Chris Hedges' analysis of the Corporocracy in which we now find ourselves is brilliant, terrifying and correct. Too bad his message reaches so few people compared to the bullshit being evacuated from the fetid bowels of Faux Snooze.

It's a real upriver swim to try to envision We The People as anything other than Totally Screwed, but I'm trying!