Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bits and Pieces

Kim left a comment on FB that the tree in front of my house was really pretty - so I took a picture of it to share.  I had not even seen it.  There are so many cars parked around here ( on both sides of the street) that I have to keep my eyes down just to get into my garage.  The other day they had both sides of my driveway blocked a little.  You can see the one car that is always there right up close to the edge.

Thursday was Lodge night and it was stated meeting so the Eastern Star fixed dinner for us.  They had delicious chicken with gravy over mashed potatoes... and I ate some of the potatoes.  They aren't on my diet but I will eat then once every other week (half portion). 

Saturday I went down to Des Moines to go to a movie. I am currently not going to films here in Ames.  The Cinemark experience is so negative that I just don't want to go there. I went down to the Fluer Theater and saw the new George Clooney film, The Ides of March.  I really enjoyed the film and the theater experience.  Not only was the theater clean but there was no line and there were four people behind the counter to wait on me.  The popcorn was perfectly popped with a nice butter/salt distribution.  And the film was excellent.  It was contemporary and since we are in the midst of an election I have decided to support George Clooney for President.  I liked his ideas and the way he presented himself.. There was one problem however so perhaps not.  I won't give spoilers but I do recommend it.

While I was down there I picked up a George Foreman Grill on sale.  I have been wanting one for awhile as I have been cooking in an electric skillet and it is messy.  The GF Grill should be good and it would be less grease.  

There is a lot going on around the world.  It seems as if the Occupy group is driving the Tea Party off the headlines.  Fox news was chased away by the occupiers who chanted "Fox Lies" until the news team and their big body guards left.  

CBS Sunday Morning is the only Sunday Morning show that I watch.  It is a balanced well done program that always uplifts my day.  This morning they had a story about the comedian Ellen on the show.  She said something in passing.  ‎"I just never believed in making fun of other people. And a lot of comedy is that kind of mean-spirited [joking] and that is a form of bullying, of getting a laugh at somebody else’s expense. And so I’ve never really liked it..." Ellen

I was glad to hear her say that.  I had come to that conclusion.  What bothered me even more was the comedian (Craig Ferguson) who would say "It's just a joke!" as if that excused the bullying behavior.  Ellen proves that you can be funny without being a bully.  I admire her for that.

Paul Krugman comes to this conclusion in his excellent piece in the New York Times.  "Panic of the Plutocrats.  Well worth the read.

So who’s really being un-American here? Not the protesters, who are simply trying to get their voices heard. No, the real extremists here are America’s oligarchs, who want to suppress any criticism of the sources of their wealth.
Oh and just in case you were wondering... I love my new car.  So much fun to drive. Thanks for stopping by Hugs.

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