Tuesday, October 11, 2011


 The title of this post has nothing to do with the content.  Except that when you are done reading it I hope you will have enjoyed doing so.  I really had nothing much I wanted to write about (except for one thing but that will come later) and had been collecting all of these items that I found around the web.  The "Occupy" movement is a phenomenal thing going on in our country right now. People are taking to the streets to protest - If you go here, you can hear Keith Olbermann read the statement which they issued.  I think that possibly one of the "matches" that lit this fire was the Supreme Court ruling that Corporations are people and that they can donate unlimited amounts of money to political campaigns, thus opening the door to yet even more corruption.  The Republiscum party is out to "get" Mr. Obama any way they can and are willing to shut the government down.  Some of their ideas are inhumane and in my humble opinion this seems to be the only way to bring their nefarious activities out into the light.  Occupy Pampers indeed.  Pampers usually hold the residue of shitty activities and that is what has been going on...Tea Party/Republithugs.  Same thing.
 Bullies have permeated our society.  We have allowed it to happen and we have not stood up against this behavior.  It is not just the LGBT students who are bullied but also the women and teachers and the students who are perceived as different.  Bullies seem to think they are "entitled" and are often supported by their parents.  As I said earlier and will again.  Bulling of any sort is wrong and people need to identify it in all its forms and stand against it.
 Columbus Day.  No mail...  I love this cartoon.  When a political cartoonist sees something worth commenting on and throws they hypocrisy back at the hypocrite it is poetic..
 The above speaks for itself.  Does not need a comment from me.

This fits into the God is Dog category.  I love it.
 The above is something I ran across and it has the ring of truth from personal experience in it.  I needed to learn the lesson of dependence on myself and that there is no one in my life that I can really trust to be there for me. In the end most people stab me in the back.

I love the above.  The Oxford comma is something I always taught and then I got away from it.  I shall now go back to trying to make sure it is always there.

Speaking of there.  Some of my former students need to be reminded of this little sentence.

They're going to put their apples over there.

It is so difficult for me not to go onto their Facebook page and make a correction.  My nephew had me proof his paper for school the other day and I caught him saying "me and"  I had just corrected him on that the other day and was delighted to be able to write in big red block letters "Never say me and"  You must always put yourself last.

When I was a teacher one of my colleagues seemed to have a problem with the fact that I belonged to the Masonic Fraternity.  I would not argue with her about it for we are taught not to argue with those who "through ignorance" or some other reason may not understand the nature of our association. One of the things about her was that I considered her a friend.  I had taught her son in school and liked him and had a good experience with her.  She would always tell me about what was happening with Scott as she knew I was interested in him.
As he progressed on to college she began to tell me that he had pledged a fraternity at Iowa State.  I asked her how she could let Scott join a fraternity when she was so opposed to the Masonic fraternity. She then asked me about the Lodge and said something about we accepted all kinds of people of different religions into our Lodges.  I said yes, that one of the beautiful things about our group was that no one ever discussed religious beliefs.  That the only requirement was that a member believe in God.

I said that I prayed to (worshiped) my concept of Deity and the other members each prayed to their own conceptions of their God.  Well, that was the problem. She told me that in her church everyone had to hold the same ideas about God.
I have been thinking about Christianity - probably because of the Republi________'s fussing about Mitt Romney's Mormon faith,  That and the Palin/Bachman and Co. use of their "Christianity" as a prerequisite to be president of  the United States.  It got me thinking about just what is a Christian anyway.  It is pretty easy to define a Jew or a Muslim. But just who are these "Christians" anyway.  As always I checked on Wikipaedia and found that there are  reported to be approximately 38,000 Christian denominations.

Well it seems pretty clear (as mud) to me that all of those Christians are not going to have the same conception of Deity that I have so I completely understand why people are leaving the church.  Read two articles about that today  Here and here.  

The mind just boggles.  I guess I will never understand why so many people have so much differing of an opinion on the nature of God and how to worship.  But it is nice to have 38,000 choices.  Thanks for  stopping by.  Oh yes, my friend,  She never mentioned the Masonic fraternity to me again and her denomination.  She was a Lutheran.

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