Monday, October 10, 2011

Miles on Monday

Miles is over for his weekly visit.  I missed having him last week.
 We had some "back porch time" and it was lovely.
 He is so majestic.
 The view is really nice
 The temperature was perfect 80 degrees.

 After checking out the neighbors...
 He came over for a little tail bone scratching.
 Bailey had to come out to see what was going on.
 He had to look around and then discuss thing with Miles.
 They seemed to be enjoying things and enjoyed being outside as much as I did.
 The "boys" and I say Thanks for stopping by.  Hugs,  
 Oh yes,  Where was Miss Cassie?  Well she was in the garage sitting on a 12 pack of toilet paper that I had not carried in yet. I should have gotten a picture of that also.


DonM said...

So that explains why Cassie was ignoring her porcelain bowl. You hadn't replaced the TP.

BTW, any idea why your security characters never show up until AFTER I try to submit a comment. Then they appear along with a message that I didn't enter the proper characters.

John said...

HA! You didn't really want to give Miles some skritches—you just wanted to show off your new Masonic watch!

Ur-spo said...

Miles is a pretty pooch, indeed.