Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mr. President...A very human side.

With all the attacks on Mr. Obama I feel the need to post three pictures I have seen recently. They show a caring human side to a man who is constantly attacked and vilified by hypocritical Rebublithugs who constantly tell lies and half truths and will do anything they can to keep him from winning a second term. A man who is constantly under pressure to do the best he can for all of the people of this nation.  I feel he is in the office because he wanted to do something for our country...I don't always feel that way when it comes to those running on the other side.

 Well, I don't always like his political stances but I do love his humaness and the way he relates to people,  The hug for Gabby - rushing to make a phone call to the father of the rescued American and the fist bump with the janitor all tell me that while he is President, people are more important to him than his ego.  He engages with them.  He a man who against great odds has still been able to accomplish great things for our country.  I am glad he is in the office and I will vote to keep him there and every lie that comes out against him just stiffens my resolve.

1 comment:

Ur-spo said...

I don't envy him his job and challenges. But I wish him luck, and fend of the fundies and other nasties.