Monday, January 9, 2012

Snowy Owl - Photos by Bob Kelly

I was able to find and photograph the young male Snowy Owl Sunday afternoon (1-8-12),out in a harvested soybean field, and about an hour later again as he sat atop a tall electric power pole.  It is not uncommon for 1-5 Snowy Owls to be seen somewhere in Iowa during the winter months, but for the most part their range is from the frozen tundra of northern Canada, down as far south as central Minnesota.  

This year was different due to a large hatching of the Snowy Owl chicks that survived, and also to a plentiful supply of Lemmings (mouse like critter) that the owls eat.  As the owls grew older and ate more, the supply of Lemmings diminished, and so lots of Snowy Owls migrated southward to find more food.  This year in Iowa we have had reports of nearly 75 Snowy Owls being seen.  I had only seen one in my lifetime until today!  I am hoping this young male will like the mouse cafeteria offerings of Story County and continue to be with us this winter for more photos.  You can read more about the Snowy Owls here:

1 comment:

Ur-spo said...

I love owls, and snowy owls are lovely.