Monday, February 26, 2007

Bailey and Random Thoughts

Bailey loves to play ball. He is almost obsessive about it. He doesn't really pick the ball up and carry it but rather he bats it with his front paws and rolls it to you. Once he starts he doesn't really stop. I got him about 11 years ago and he has been a lot of company for me. I watch TV and compute on my recliner and he likes to lay on the foot rest leaning up against my leg. Sometimes he thinks he is a cat and climbs up on the top of the chair to look out the window. He also walks along the top of the sofa.

I watched the Oscars last night. I don't know why those people need the validation of a little statue to prove they are worth something. After all they get paid plenty for their work. I have been going to the movies all my life and I enjoy the entertainment but that is what it is. Entertainment. Same thing with sports. Entertainment is good and entertainers do some good things. Many of them lend their names to causes. I think of the work Audrey Hepburn did with UNICEF. Because of her celebrity she was able to accomplish much. That was her real worth. Not some persona she took on for a movie. You don't have to be a celebrity to do something for others and that is the really satisfying thing about life. Whatever you do for others comes back to you. Sometimes the best thing you can do is quietly help someone without thinking of what you will get out of it.

I drove out today to go to the Post Office and pick up a sandwich for supper. The place looks like a war zone with tree limbs down alll over. There was an eerie beauty to it. The ice stuck to the tree limbs held the snow in place all day and so all of the tree limbs were white. The dogs aren't really fond of the snow. Bailey steps outside the door and does his business right there. Max runs out further. Actually he kind of likes it. Rolls around and runs all over the yard. Of course, his legs are longer and he is tall enough that he doesn't get buried in the snow. As he has gone around the yard he has made some paths for Bailey so he get out a little further each time.

The weather people are promising more of the same in a couple of days. No fun. Check back tomorrow and as always feel free to leave comments.

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