Thursday, February 22, 2007


I have a new (single) bed in Cassie's room so if you want to come for a visit it is OK. Of course I will have to get sheets, etc. before you come so give me warning. I wasn't going to get a bed for the room but decided I needed to cover up the damaged floor and it does look better. Cassie investigated the bed when Miles came and brought it in. My friends run the
Consignment Gallery in Gilbert so I went up there to look for a bed. It is not a fancy bed but it will serve if Jon decides to stay here when he is taking care of the animals.

We initiated two new Brothers into Lodge tonight. Has a good turnout and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. It is always nice to have new members and these guys will be a fine addition to the Lodge. Saturday Night we are going to the Theater as a Lodge. The play we are attending is called Arcadia by Tom Stoppard. Since our Lodge name is also Arcadia it seems appropriate. I really like it that the officers are planning some new activities that the Lodge has not done before. It helps build our fraternalism. These guys are enthusiastic and talented. I am proud to be a part of this Lodge.

We have weather threatening to come in over the week-end. that is just crummy but it is still February and it is Iowa so I guess it is to be expected. Tomorrow is the Eastern Star School of Inspection. Time for bed. j

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