Sunday, March 28, 2010

Go Read

No More Crosses - A Sermon by John Shuck


Anonymous said...

Terrific sermon!
Where was this man, this pulpit, back in the days before I became "home churched". I grew up in a small Iowa town, was baptized in and attended a Methodist Episcopalian church. Honestly, I can't remember any of the sermons, or even the general approach to Christianity in that church. As an adult, seeking assistance in providing moral guidance to our children, my wife and I chose to join, attend, and actively participate in a Unitarian (before the affiliation with Universalists)church. Some good, thought provoking words from the pulpit, some good entertainment often as well.
As the children came of age, and we became burned out with the maintenance of the church and feeling no need for spiritual support, we became home churched.
Now here comes John Shuck, preaching a Christianity that I could embrace. Ah, well, we'll rest our 77 year old bones, remain home churched, and visit his blog for some spiritual nourishment from time to time. To borrow a phrase from a friend...Hugs, Dave

John Shuck said...

Thank you, Jay for the shout and thank you, Dave, for the very kind words!