Sunday, June 2, 2013

Meet a Ruddy Duck! Photo by Bob Kelly

Bob says, "This duck is REAL!   I saw it today on a pond of water in a field east of Colo, Iowa, and I about had a car accident from looking at it, as my car swerved over to one side of the road, where there was lots of water, plus a few of these ducks.  This is the first time I have ever seen a duck with a BLUE bill….so it really caught my eye.  I plan to go over again Monday afternoon with a big telephoto lens and try again, and hope to show more detail.  Ducks are fickle, and who knows they may all be gone by tomorrow, so until I have other images, here is this one, that I hope you will find interesting.  You can read more about the Ruddy Duck here."


John Klaus said...

I think the only prettier native duck than the Ruddy is the Wood Duck. What a great photo of a Ruddy in full plumage!!

Bob Kelly said...

I agree John, but I have never been close enough to a Wood Duck to get a good photo....someday hopefully I will!