I have letters to send out. 114 of them went in the mail today. Some of the letters just had one page in them and some had two so I had to pay attention. I find that I do this kind of work best in the evening.
I also have to keep up with former students and friends on Facebook and that is a major timesuck. I enjoy it. Then there is reading. Aside from all of the blogs I read on my Reader (which is going away July 1 - Darn you Google) I also read books. I am currently reading an excellent book by John Shelby Spong about the book of John and I also have one on my Kindle that I look at once in awhile just to be entertained. Here is one sentence/paragraph from the book Irene Iddesleigh.
Though a man of forty summers, he never yet had entertained the thought of yielding up his bacheloric ideas to supplace them with others which eventually should coincide with those of a different sex; in fact, he never had bestowed a thought on changing his habits and manner of living, nor until fully realising his position of birthright, that had been treasured by his ancestors for such a lengthened period, and which, sooner or later, must pass into strangers’ hands, did the thought ever occur to him of entering into the league of the blessed.
Wikipedia says of the author - Anna Margaret Ross (née McKittrick; 8 December 1860 – 2 February 1939), known by her pen-name Amanda McKittrick Ros, was an Irish writer. She published her first novel Irene Iddesleigh at her own expense in 1897. She wrote poetry and a number of novels. Her works were not read widely, and her eccentric, over-written, "purple" circumlocutory writing style is alleged by some critics to be some of the worst prose and poetry ever written.
You can get it free from Amazon if you have a Kindle.
I got if from a friend and I have to say it is fun to read when you know the backstory.
So I let her up on my lap and covered her up with the blanket and talked to her while it rained, and we listened to thunder and watched the lightening flash. I told her stories about how my grandmother told me the thunder was a potato wagon going across the bridge and how my great aunts (who lived on a hill) would go to the basement which was dug out and had a dirt wall and floors if there was a dark cloud in the sky.
Pretty soon the rain stopped and she relaxed and stretched out and went to sleep and I continued to hold her and we just enjoyed being.
Sometimes that is the best thing in the world to do...And when you are retired you can do that.
Here are is something I found - just for fun.
Thanks for stopping by. Hugz.
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