Mr. Toad, of Toad Hall, is one of the main characters in the novel The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame and also the title character of the A. A. Milne play Toad of Toad Hall based on the book.
I kind of identify with Mr. Toad and since I didn't have anything else to write about I decided to share the picture of the Toad and I think you can see from the expression on his face he certainly fits the arrogant Mr. Toad.
Do you know any Mr. Toads? I do!
Moving right along. Every once in awhile it is important to remind people of some things. The words in the graphic below are constantly misused and to say it drive me nuts is an understatement. With so many people it is just carelessness. With others it is truly a learning disability and I can excuse them...however they need to have someone who is willing to proof and correct their work. I remember Jon mixing up "then" and "than" and I had to keep reminding him of the proper usage until eventually he learned the proper way.
The most frustrating is when they do it on Facebook and I really have to control myself to keep from taking out my red pen and marking it up. Must be the "Mr. Toad" in me. Oh Well!

The Obama's have a new addition to their family.
I wish they had gotten a rescue dog but I do understand that there is a problem with allergies. And it is a sweetheart of a dog. I really understand how dogs are necessary to good family life.
This seems to be appropriate.
God I miss that show.
Happy Tuesday everyone. HERE'S TINA!
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