Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Moments of Beauty

Bob sent me the link to this video. I recommend watching it full screen to see the expressions on peoples faces. It made me smile, and tear up some as I thought about how most music is made as a group experience. This certainly was. People working together to make something harmonious and beautiful. The performers and the audience are all aware of this. One man just sat right down on the ground with his kids to listen. Do we ever just stop and sit and listen, or look.

I know that there are soloists and sometimes we prefer to be alone but no one is ever truly alone as there is a Great Friend looking over his (or her) shoulder guiding and supporting - we just have to become aware.  Were there people who walked right on by this wonderful "flash mob"  you bet.  It was their loss.  This week I think about the things I am thankful for.  I am particularly thankful for those "moment of beauty" which we can find when we look for them and for the Internets that bring us so many more.   Enjoy.

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