Thursday, November 21, 2013

I "Toad" you so!

I had this entire post written and scheduled to come up tomorrow morning (Thursday) and it was on the wrong blog and I deleted it by accident.  So everything I had written was lost.  The first think I had to tell you was the diet story.  Since the first of October I have lost 10 pounds. And my Blood Sugars (lovingly referred to as BS) have mostly been less than 120 with the lowest one being a 99 on Tuesday.  This makes me feel good.  But I would like it to come off faster. (I know it doesn't work like that).  While I was up at the clinic to get weighed a friend was up there for an appointment.  His wife was with him.  He has lost 80 pounds since last February. I am proud of us.

Another thing I had written about was the Hadrian's Villa project. I have always loved ancient Rome (and Greece and Egypt) and so this intrigued me. You can visit the interactive Web Site here and take a look at this video.

And finally there is a blog I read and he generally has lists of things 11 Historical Myths was interesting.  I found this the most interesting and I copy it here for a Blogfriend who will know who he is...

3. Vikings Didn't Wear Horned-Helmets
Archaeological evidence doesn't show any evidence of horned-helmets. Death sites instead tell us most Viking warriors went bare-headed or wore leather headgear, according to The History Channel.
This popular, albeit false, image of burly men striding into battle with horns apparently dates back to the 1800s, when Swedish artist Gustav Malmströmstems included the imagery in his work. Some of Wagner's operas also included costumes with horned-helmets.


Harpers Keeper said...

I think the look is most often sported by burly men who are unable to hit the high notes sufficiently to realize their dream of being in Die Walkure. Which means the look is only about 150 old.

Ur-spo said...

oh you are no fun said...

I think perhaps the Vikings did eat oatmeal though.