Monday, November 11, 2013

Molly on Monday

 Molly here,

It has been an exciting week for me.  Besides a couple of rides in the car there were two visitors to Casa Mollie.

B G's chair was broken and so he was able to get a new one because his friend Brandon was a really nice guy and while he was in Des Moines he picked up a new chair for him.

 He was glad to have it.  Brandon came over and put it together and mounted it on the platform.  B G needs just a couple of inches so it is easier for him to get up and down.  I helped Brandon with his work,  but then I had an itch and decided to just supervise. Brandon is one of my favorite visitors.

 Me supervising the final operation.

Brandon trying out the chair.

It is nice.

Then the guy from the furniture store came to look at the other chair.

 He was nice also.

He agreed that it needed fixing.  He told B G about how the company that made the chair had made some changes and so it had caused problems some of the time.  He decided to take the bottom of the chair with him and fix it.   Here I am saying good-by to him.
 All that work just wore me out so I took a nap.
 And I dreamed of the falling leaves in my back yard.  One day they were in the tree and the next they were on the ground - a golden carpet for me to romp through.
Cassie and I had some fun on Sunday night.  B G called the Video "Girl fight"  I don't know why we weren't fighting. Enjoy.
Thank you for visiting me.  Woof!


Ur-spo said...

it's a dog's life after all.

Dianne said...

nice new chair !!
you and Cassie make me smile, she plays like a dog

love the Colorado photos

hugs from all of us to all of you