Monday, November 4, 2013

Molly on Monday

 Molly here,
  Just wanted to share some new pictures that B G took of me.  He did a good job.

I stare at him a lot.  I keep expecting that he will give me a treat.

Here I am sitting on the footstool, staring out the window.
 B G asked me what I wanted.
 I wanted to hold hands and get a treat.
 But he didn't give me one.  He does give me them occasionally. Like every time I come in from outside. (But they are small)
 So I went back to my couch and gave him "the look."
 But that did not do any good.  So I took a nap.  Fall is a good time to nap.

Oh, I almost forgot Jon had a couple of pictures up on Facebook.  One of him and one of Miles...they both look good and we miss them.

Have a good week. Woof.  ( I did play with Cassie but B G was to slow on getting the camera out. I shall have to dock his wages.)


Harpers Keeper said...

Molly is so photogenic

Ur-spo said...

The 'look' would get me every time.

Dianne said...

You're a beauty Molly
and tell BG that I love all the tree pics and fall colors