Monday, November 25, 2013

Molly on Monday

Molly here,
  It has gotten cold.  B G. turned up the heat...but only by one degree. That is all right I have a fur coat.  Cassie and I stay inside and look out the window.  I go out but not for long.
Sometimes we see the moon.
I get tired of looking out the window so I do my vulture impersonation
My favorite spot is still B G's lap... and I am ready for my close ups Mr. DeMille.

But winter and cold make a great time for naps.. I think my nails need trimming.  I must talk to B G about that.
He got a movie of me harassing Cassie and playing with my alligator toy. It was one of those bright days when the sunshine makes Cassie want to sleep.  I ticked her off and she went up on top of the couch and glared at me.
This is my selfie.
Thanks for coming by to see me.  Woof!


Dianne said...

I love those close-ups of your beautiful face
You are so wonderful

Hugs to all from all of us
Stay warm

Ur-spo said...

Molly, if I could I would sleep through winter as a bear would. Not from depression, but the pleasure of being cozy/dark with no need to go out/do anything but wait for spring,