Monday, May 19, 2014

Molly on Monday

 Molly Here,
     I took some pictures. Not my best but
B G wasn't around this week.

My Birthday was Sunday. B G did not even make me a Cake.... He did share some of the really good treats to eat so there was that.

It was nice out and so I did sleep on the ramp for awhile.  I liked that.

BG says these are may artsy photos.  I told him they were just weeds which he needs to have trimmed.

We were able to sit on the porch. I like that.  We are still waiting for the power washing (and the tree trimming) but B G tells him to wait and don't "sweat the small stuff" -

Just watch.  I am watching you.

That is enough of that...Nap time.
B G told me to share these pictures because he likes them.

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