Monday, May 26, 2014

Molly on Monday

 Molly here,
     I went on a ride this week.  I don't ride in this spot but while B G was getting the big of food for me I climbed up to see better.  Then we drove and looked around the neighborhood.
 B G says it was fun to drive around the neighborhood and find some pretty spots that most people don't even see.
 Then I took in Jon's bed.  Jon has gone to Germany for two weeks (whenever that is) -  I am not sure where Miles is but I suppose that the has someone to be with.

 Then I went outside.

 Cassie came to see me when I came back in. B G has to be careful because she tries to escape.

 Those pictures show my best side....

B G says I don't have a bad side.  This is my yearning look.
 They went outside on the porch.  You can see she still tries to get out here also.

 B G and sat in the porch.  He read and I watched the little red birds flying around.  They whistle to us.  I love the porch.

Cassie on her "perch"  she does like the birdies....

 This is part of Jon's garden..
 Next Friday Brandon is going to come to powerwash the porch.  Then it will be nice again..

Have a great week!  WOOF!


Ur-spo said...

What a happy pooch !

Dianne said...

I saw your tongue in a lot of these photos, it is as adorable as the rest of you
Siren and Isadora are just like Cassie, always trying to escape
hugs to all