Wednesday, April 3, 2013

These are a Part of Me

From The Rape of the A*P*E* (American Puritan Ethic) by Allan Sherman.

When I say God I mean the Snowflake Maker the one who has been putting
them out since the world's first winter with no two alike. The God I mean is not in the religious business. He is much to busy to be sitting around judging anybody. His full time occupation is creating - flowers, planets, galaxies, new species - while you wait.  I have in mind the sponsor of our daily magic show, the Author of tonight's mystery. The Decorator who chose the colors of the rainbow, did the lighting for the sunset, and positioned the stars.

I choose to think he has a sense of humor, if not there would be no such thing as a duck billed platypus and there certainly wouldn't be any people.

The God I'm talking about isn't pushy. He couldn't care less if you or I believe in him or fear him or go to church. My God is not selling anything or issuing commandments, or recruiting anybody,  He's not very much on morals either.  He wishes us well, but He guarantees us nothing,  No heaven at all and no special favors on Earth.  He owes us nothing, having already given us life, which is all there is.

The God I am talking about is infinitely gentle.  He takes a half a million years to sculpt the Grand Canyon when He could if He wanted to gouge it out in a split second. Another nice thing about Him is that He cares, He gives a damn,  God never closes. He is everywhere at once,juggling atoms and steering comets.  He is busy 24 hours a day every day, planting seeds, pouring out thunderstorms, piling up mountains, pushing tides and designing rivers. He would never think of resting on the seventh day. Imagine what would happen if He did: one seventh of the creatures of the world stillborn, one seventh of the flowers unwatered, one seventh of the sunlight blacked out.

I don't know what he looks like but one thing I'm sure of He is not made in my image, nor am I in His.  What arrogant pipsqueaks we are to think God would want to look like us.  Remember He has a choice. Be honest if you were God, if you could choose any form wouldn't it be more likely that the butterfly would
be made in your image or the swan? of all creatures to look like us,  Is God cockeyed?

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