Saturday, April 20, 2013

Water Birds. Photos by Bob Kelly

Friday, April 20th, while out shooting I encountered what I think are Horned Grebes, which I had never seen before.  Google them and see if they look like the ones here. That is a male Mallard swimming along with them.
The Northern Shoveler is a variety of duck that stays in this area during the early spring and then moves farther north in May.  I has a shovel kind of beak for digging out plants on the lake bottom.  There are three photos in this series, the male swimming, and flying in the first two, and in the last a male and female taking off since they were camera shy!

This last photo shows four Mallards, three males, and one female.  In the back is a Coot that are more related to cranes than they are to ducks.

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