Thursday, September 16, 2010

Some photos

Contest - Can you identify the above picture?
No reward. Just satisfaction in identifying the photo
I had an eye doctors appointment this morning. This was growing outside the eye clinic. I thought it was an interesting plant. Looks like it might belong in Arizona. Anybody know what it is.
A close up of the same plant.
Sunset over Ada Hayden Heritage Park. Almost looks like a cross.
Tomorrow I go to Sioux City for Grand Lodge. I will take my camera so you can see what happens. It should be a fun time. There is lots of legislation - some of which I agree with and others I think are ill-advised. We shall see what the wisdom of the Craft decides.
I have been working on a project or two so I haven't done much worth writing about. I have been thinking about some things that are going on but I am not going to weigh in on them. I mean Rush and Rove in a pissing match with each other over a tea party nominee who claims that it is wrong to masturbate because the Bible says it is caused by lust and when I looked at her and saw her over made up highly lipsticked mouth uttering those words. I wondered what I might have to say about it... As for Rush and Rove - Rove was at least civil Rush was rude and described as Apoplectic about Rove and there is a video of him being his usual self. I really have nothing to say about this. It speaks for itself.
I guess that I could say that someone should put them out of their misery but that won't ever happen for they built their careers on being miserable (and obnoxious) - But I am not going to comment on that.
So the fact is that I have been working, doing laundry and getting ready to go out of town and really don't have much to say. Or at least not much time to write it but I did want to share the pictures. I am going to schedule this for Thursday morning so I won't have to feel guilty if I don't have time to post tomorrow.. j

1 comment:

Dianne said...

I love the sun setting through the slats of the fence
so pretty