Sunday, February 6, 2011

True according to Snopes

H. Robert sent me this and I checked with Snopes.  They say it is true. Their explanation is almost as good as the letters themselves.
In 1974, a  Cleveland  attorney wrote the Cleveland Browns complaining of the menace posed by the fad of throwing paper airplanes and threatened litigation. The Browns' response is one of the best replies ever written. 


John said...

There must be a link there somewhere, but I'm too dumb to open it...

DonM said...

Like John, I cannot see the inserted material either. However, I went to Snopes, did a search, and read the response, which is truly priceless. However, I suspect that a response today, when lawyers have proven themselves more than willing to act, as well as write, just as they are described in the response, would be a bit more circumspect. 1974 was an entirely different age. Heck, I was a senior in High School then.