Monday, October 14, 2013

Molly on Monday

 Molly here,

   B G took me for a ride this week.  The weather was nice.  I ride in the back seat because B G says it is safer. I can stretch out there and B G has a red pillow for me.

I thought we were just going for a ride but we went to where I get my toenails trimmed.
 They have a couple of cats and a nice lady.  They weighed me and I had lost 2 pounds.  They seemed pleased.
 It still took two of them to put me up on the table.  I am not in a happy place when I am up there. But they were nice. Until I felt a pinch.
 I was there for SHOTS!  Oh B G how could you do that to me?  
 One person played with my ears to distract me...but it didn't work I still felt it.
 See, here is Dr. Brenda sticking me.  She did it THREE times.  I was not a happy camper.

Speaking of not being a happy camper this cat was nasty.  I put my nose up to greet her and she hissed at me and batted me.  She is not nice like Cassie. They said she was just new and not used to dogs yet.. I am not used to cats like that.
This kitty is much nicer and just ignored me.
 We did go for a ride in the country after the visit and I got worn out.  So I slept on my footstool next to B G's chair. That was nice until Cassie decided to bat at me.  B G got a movie of the last part of it.. Enjoy and thanks for visiting me.  Woof!


Dianne said...

I think Cassie was a bit upset because you smelled like those other cats and that place where they give shots

you're a good girl Molly
Siren is terrible at that place where they give shots and makes quite a scene

hugs to all

Ur-spo said...

shots are no fun
I am glad though you are in good health.