Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Worst Thing In Life

Well I can tell you I have experienced what he is talking about and I agree with him. I have been there also.

I don't mind being alone. I enjoy the company of others but I also enjoy my own company.

 As an only child I did not have many friends to play with.  I had cousins that I played with and we had fun. The picture below was posed.  I am in the middle and my cousins Janet and Loren are on either side. The pictures were posed for use in a magazine or something.
 Beside Janet and Loren I had other cousins,  Bud who was older and Chris, Rick and John who were younger.

I can remember either my aunt Jean (Janet and Loren's mom) or my mom making the comment that we played together all right but it was usually two against one.  The two of them would gang up on me or I would join one of them to gang up on the other but by in large we played together when the family was together.

John lived out of town and it was fun to go visit him because he lived on a farm and had neat things like a pony and a barn. Bud, the older cousin was married and had two boys Mike and Randy who were our age but they weren't around as much as the others. Randy was in my class when I first came back to Ames to teach. We still give each other a bad time about that.

A lot of the time I was alone because we lived out in the country and there weren't many other kids around.  I did have a couple of friends I played with notably Dennis Wendell and Nick Nolte but it was not as if I could go outside and play with them at any time.

Another friend was Loren Larson but I suppose he just put up with me because he lived upstairs in my great uncle and aunt's home. I would spend Wednesday nights at their home and go up to listen to the radio and hang around with him.  He was a few years older.

 When my sister was born things changed.  We moved and I had a playmate.  Of course I had to wait for her to grow up a little She was ten years younger than I was but we did have a lot of fun growing up - at first I got to do a lot of baby sitting.

She had a lot of friends because by that time we were in a neighborhood where there were some other kids around and then we moved in town and she had some good friends to hang out with.

Even with all those cousins the feeling of aloneness has been with me all my life and I can feel alone in a crowed room and I have some friends who, on occasion, have made me feel all alone.  

I am sure that the fact that my new recliner broke and I do not have one comfortable place to sit is giving me a case of rectitus tonight. Bummer. I am going to have to sleep in Molly's bed.  That won't be fun.  (BTW - rectitus is when your optic nerve gets crossed with your rectal nerve and it gives you a shitty outlook on life.

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