Friday, August 17, 2007

Friday Feelings

Sometimes life feels like this.

I think that I picked up some kind of a bug at Grand Chapter/Council.  My blood sugar has been elevated for several days,  I have a dull ache in my head and my joints are achy.  I also have low energy and want to sleep a lot.  On top of it all I have a short temper right now and those are all symptoms of something not being right.

Unfortunately I let it mess up a relationship and I feel extra bad about that but have no way to "fix" it so I will just have to live with the consequences of my stupidity.  I would apologize but was told not to.  So the above picture is really appropriate.  Hopefully I will get better so send some "healing thoughts" my way.  It would be appreciated.  Hugs,  (You are still loved)  j

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