Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Interesting Horoscope/ Stardust

The Zodiac

Let me start out that I do not normally read my horoscope in the newspaper. In the first place, I don't believe that the "stars" have anything to do with anything. In the second place I don't believe that a generic horoscope can possibly be accurate. With that said they are "spot on" once in awhile. The horoscope for Scorpio (I was born November 13, 1941) says:
"Relationships may hit rocky ground, which ultimately can cement the bonds of love. Home in on all the things you have in common. Instead of seeing where you differ, see how you agree."
I hope it is correct. but you can see it is pretty generic.

It is also interesting to read the horoscope of my friends. Leo and Sagittarius seem to fit what a couple of friends are going through as well as good advice for Cancer (my sister) Jon's (Virgo) seems ok for him also.

Then there is the one in the paper for me today.
"Did you know your sign is associated with eagles as well as scorpions? Eagles don't hang out in flocks and prefer to hunt alone. You'll have luck now whenyou do the same."
Yes, I did know that. I was always told that the Eagle nature represented my spiritual nature and the scorpion my sexual nature (Scorpio's are very sexy (Yeah right)) The comment of not hanging out in flocks does describe me. I am much more comfortable in a very small group of two or three others. I don't enjoy going to one group that I am involved with because some sit at one end of the table and you can't talk with them if you are on the other end.

Mother used to hate it when two of her friends would come over and the husband would talk to me about one thing and the wife to her about something else. I guess I inherited that from her. We both love our friends but I really prefer being with them in small groups.

Speaking of Mother, she was a Pisces, my sister a Cancer and I am a Scorpio. All three are "water signs" and are supposed to get along well together. For the most part we did.

I find it interesting to read the characteristics of a scorpio. Here are some of mine from the site linked earlier:
Scorpios are the most intense, profound, powerful characters in the zodiac. Even when they appear self-controlled and calm there is a seething intensity of emotional energy under the placid exterior.
...In their everyday behavior they give the appearance of being withdrawn from the center of activity, yet those who know them will recognize the watchfulness that is part of their character.
... Their tenacity and willpower are immense, their depth of character and passionate conviction overwhelming, yet they are deeply sensitive and easily moved by their emotions. Their sensitivity, together with a propensity for extreme likes and dislikes make them easily hurt, quick to detect insult or injury to themselves (often when none is intended).
...They are too demanding, too unforgiving of faults in others, perhaps because they are not aware of the shortcomings within themselves, and extravagantly express their self-disgust in unreasonable resentment against their fellows. They do, however, make excellent friends, provided that their companions do nothing to impugn the honor of which Scorpios are very jealous. Part of the negative side of the Scorpio nature is a tendency to discard friends once they cease to be useful, but the decent native is aware of, and fights this tendency.
Some of these characteristics I can see in myself. I am deeply sensitive and I am easily hurt. Sometimes when no hurt is intended. My true friends help me get over myself. Others get tired of me and leave. So I am alone a lot of the time. Sometimes I am alone by choice because I don't really feel wanted. Yes, that is the way I feel inside. Crummy but that is the way it is. I was told recently that I needed to exercise to help my diabetes.

Dr. Horowitz said:
Find buddies to be active with (establishing a support network can be very helpful for adhering to a life-long more active lifestyle). The good thing is EVERYONE knows they should be more active – so it might not be hard to find friends to jump onboard. Try to find several friends for this network, because if you just rely on one friend it is easy not to be active if they happen to be busy .
I realized that I have no "buddies" that I could call on to do this. I have friends but I try not to force myself on them (usually) and rely on them to contact me when they want to do something. I generally go out to movies or out to eat alone - (that eagle nature again) I don't call people on the phone nor to I enjoy talking on the phone a lot. I would much rather sit with a person and visit with them.

I think that this probably has something to do with the fact that I never married. I am not complaining about that. The very idea of a commitment of that nature scared the bejesus out of me.

So I am stuck with me as I am. My true friends will see that and stick with me because they know that I can be a great friend. If not, I guess I will be the loser but I've been there before and I will get by.

I went to a movie tonight. Needed to get out of the house and escape. Stardust is a delightful film and had me enthralled. Just what I needed - unless it was a hug.

Hugs, jcs

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